Would I Get it? No -Why? I am not at risk, I develop antibodies Naturally and become Naturally
Resistant, I am not going to get sick myself and I will not spread it to
others. This is the ideal and the normal for most people. Coronavirus is not an emergency situation for me. The Vaccines are Un-Approved, but for emergency use.
And of course any expedited approval can not be with full knowledge of possible Cancer risks which can take years to manifest. The blood clotting and heart problems were unforeseen or not mentioned up front. Those pushing the vaccine sometimes say there is a risk but most falsely claim it is safe and effective even when science and the numbers of people dropping from it now clearly indicate a problem. |
Should you get it? That should be your free choice to make. Do you have underlying conditions or known health issues like obesity,
diabetes? Do you get sick every year with severe colds or flu? Or, are you just super afraid? I do not get any flu vaccine either and I do not get sick with the flu,
I trust my immune system. And, I do not wear any mask, or even wash my
hands beyond normal. So don't get it for me, make your own choice based on your own situation. But, try to understand there are semi-powerful people at work in this world that have their own agendas in play.