Fresno Fly over December 3rd 2020 6:00pm clear early night,
stars visible in the sky... ufo
Happened to be outside looking up at the sky when I saw a series of lights heading NE above me over central Fresno Perpendicular to the Fresno air port runway the lights were in a strait single file row moving briskly The height was comparable to a high flying aircraft or low satellite the light size was comparable to the stars in the background They maintained a pattern of precision and equal distance with a few interruptions .... .... ...... and estimated number 50 or so and made no discernable sound. So what was it, drones? there have been reports of drones flying in formation across the U.S. If they were manned craft they seemed to be controlled as one and not flying in the traditional delta-V pattern, so not likely manned. And why did they have lights, was it a reflection of sunlight off the bottom side of them, Or Was it their propulsion system generating the light Or maybe, they were electric lights in white only, no strobe or colors, in violation of FAA rules. Editor Okay, a week later and nothing in the news about it, only a story about Christmas drone shows. So some more details about it here, at the apparent elevation, they were going fast enough to cross over the city of Fresno in a matter of seconds and visible for a minute or so, appearing about the same speed as commercial jets that fly over 500-600 miles per hour. Much faster than common drones and they were much higher in elevation than permissible, so that leaves military or foreign craft as possibilities. What were they up to? who knows, I am not the one with the airport radar they crossed over, nor do I set the activities of the various military bases in the area that surely would be tracking them, but I can guess they were known to those authorities but meant to be secret to the general public. Umm, can you pretend you didn't see that. Scientific speculation would include covid hot-spot creation units. With the pandemic being artificially spread by some means, aircraft of this sort may be involved as the most efficient way. It is not spread around the world by indoor dining and beauty salons or private holiday gatherings as we are led to believe, that would be a very small part of transmission numbers. What do you believe? What do you know for sure anymore? This is an interesting event, lets do speculate some more. I should also say that the distance between the first one and the last one was several miles. Though they were equal distant they were not super close, it was more of a stream of them with some missing. So why that pattern? Could it be they were all launched one after another and formed a line and sent to complete their objectives and that as their program was executed along their path, one would drop down to disperse its payload to any desired city or designated location along their pass over route (a real super spreader event) once done that drone would return to base leaving the missing man formation I saw, and the rest to continue on their way dropping down as instructed until the objective is complete with the last one traveling the farthest and lastly returning to base. And why the extended spacing between them? Could they be stealth drones flying a pattern found to reduce their radar signature. Did the airport radar even see them?, hard to say. The sun had recently set, so maybe they were flying in blackout mode and were seen only because the sunlight reflecting off them, like the moon reflects sunlight at night. hmm Maybe UFOs from a different Planet? - I think Not. Or conscious beings from another realm manifested in light?... I did not get that feeling. So there you have it, a true mystery event. Of course, Someone knows exactly what they were doing up there that night, don't they. Oh, one more thing, a covid surge occurred shortly after this and is blamed on Holiday Gatherings, no proof. Why? you might ask. That's involved, check out my website for such answers you seek. And please, do seek such answers. --------------- Ok, a quick update: On May 6th 2021, I just heard an ABC NEWS local TV report by the weatherman that people have reported seeing this sort of thing and he stated it to be SpaceX satellites. Well, I am open to this explanation if I can find info that they were crossing over central California on Dec, 3rd 2020, when I saw them. Otherwise, that story could just be a cover. Further, May 30th and no more reports of sightings and I have not seen them back again or have I found any information that any such satellites crossed over Fresno CA when I did see them. This is odd because satellites normally remain on a somewhat set course and are predictable in their route and timing and therefore can be seen again and again, but that is not what happened here. So, the satellite theory is in question, and the drone theory remains valid.